Ancient Religiosity and Modern Atheism
Environment has an effect on every living organism in varying degrees. Yet the study of human social evolution has demonstrated conclusively that human beings have always been relatively free from the effect of their environment as compared to other creations. This is as true for ancient times as it is for today. This is important because many people think that the ancient reverence came out of fear of what could impact lives and even end them. Modern anthropologists have increasingly come to the belief that ancient humans were keen observers of nature and natural phenomenon. It was not that they only perceived nature mystically, entangled with it, challenged by it,…
Sheikh Nooruddin Noorani Wali (ra) or Nund Rishi is the patron saint of Kashmir, its Alamdar. Here is an attempt to produce a rhythmic translation of his kalaam. We have used Kashmiri from different sources and benefited from Artificial Intelligence to produce rhyming content.
The Prophet (saw) Says…
Asi kati lagan pata – Sources of Knowledge
Writing in TATA sumo, traveling from Srinagar to Khanabal. Thinking about issues that bother me. I have been wondering for a while what thought I subscribe to, where do I place myself, rationalist, empiricist, idealist, or whatever. I have been called a post-modernist, conservative, both in the same breath and other things, too. I might be a skeptic, who knows! I presented my writings to an expert who categorized them as post-modern and existentialist, na chi mye huii pata kya govv, na huii. Reminds me of Alamdar’s (ra) “be kuss rishi, mye kya naav” (I have no clue who I am). Traveling gives me ample time to think. For some,…
Message to the Beginners in Learning | Adab | Kashmiri Traditions | Sneak sPeak
Many of our young ask where they should begin their journey from, what the initial texts of learning should be. This video addresses the question briefly. I hope it is of any help to the seekers of knowledge. This video is relevant in the modern era where there is a lot of confusion in knowledge. It throws some light on etiquette (adab) of learning and knowing one’s station.