No One Can Change the Word of Allah – Quran – 6:11
Question: Salaam Alaykum Brother, I have been searching for philosophy behind some Quranic verses. Like 6:115 where Allah says no one can change the word of Allah. So how could anyone change or alter Torah or Injeel texts? Answer: First, we would have to see what the evidence suggests about whether Tawraat or Injeel (or both) have changed or not. Bart Ehrman is a renowned scholar in this regard, he says the following in his famous “Misquoting Jesus” about the Bible: “We have only error ridden copies, and the vast majority of these are centuries removed from the originals and different from them, evidently, in thousands of ways.” John Mill,…
Q&A: If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life?
If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life? A short answer: It is a questions that bothers many a people and we do need to consider why such is the case. Like any other social phenomenon there are many perspectives to be investigated. Let us begin with the Arab Custom of narrating tales. The pre-Islamic Arab society was a war torn community wherein a murder was remembered for generations and vengeance was sought for decades generation after generation. The Arabs would compose poems and ballads on this theme, narrating the tales of a…
Achieving Peace Between and Within Nations
In many ways the world is unfortunately devoid of any peace and political stability. Various Governments or Governmental Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations have apparently been trying to achieve some sort of peace and stability. Yet the destination is not in sight. Out of the many things that can be done, I list out two of the most important in my opinion. 1. Strengthening Democratic Ideals It might come as a surprise to many but wars in contemporary world have taken place between countries with at least one of them not being a democracy. In other words, two democracies don’t usually go for wars against each other. Examples of recent wars…
Battle of Hunayn and the Pride in Numbers
Fought in 630 CE between Muslims and the non-Muslim Bedouin tribe of Hawazin in the outskirts of Mecca, the Battle of Hunayn is an important battle that has somehow not found a place in everyday Muslim discourse if compared to the battles of Badr, Uhud, or Trench. Battle of Hunayn, among other battles, is one good example that tells us numbers don’t matter. In the earlier battles such as those of Badr, Uhud, or Trench the Muslims were vastly outnumbered, however in this one which took place after the Treaty of Hudaybiah and the Fall of Mecca, the number of Muslims was huge. It was the largest ever Muslim army…
Prophet Muhammad (saw) in the Qur’an
“Proclaim! In the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, who created – created man, out of a leech-like clot. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, – He who taught (the use of) Pen, – Taught man that which he knew not.” – Qur’an, Iqraa (Alaq) 1-5 With these words started what would become a source of guidance for millions of people around the world. The declaration or proclamation of which was to be done ”in the name of God” – the Creator. It wasn’t for any personal benefits to the Prophet (saw) who would soon suffer persecution, sorrow, and suffering. No, he was not seized with madness (7:184) nor…