Asi kati lagan pata – Sources of Knowledge
Writing in TATA sumo, traveling from Srinagar to Khanabal. Thinking about issues that bother me. I have been wondering for a while what thought I subscribe to, where do I place myself, rationalist, empiricist, idealist, or whatever. I have been called a post-modernist, conservative, both in the same breath and other things, too. I might be a skeptic, who knows! I presented my writings to an expert who categorized them as post-modern and existentialist, na chi mye huii pata kya govv, na huii. Reminds me of Alamdar’s (ra) “be kuss rishi, mye kya naav” (I have no clue who I am). Traveling gives me ample time to think. For some,…
Modern Classics on Philosophy
For the complete list of Modern Classics Click Here. [1st Draft – Published as on 21st August, 2022]
Relevance of Indian Philosophical Thought
The Indian subcontinent happens to be the home to one of the oldest human civilizations in the world. This civilization that thrived in this part of the world has passed on to us an enormous wealth of literature that deals not just with ethical and moral codes, but also with Philosophy and Science. One of the defining characteristics of the Indian Civilization was its approach to knowledge. While the Greeks would develop sciences for the sake of sciences or they would gain knowledge for the want of knowledge, Indians would have a different world view altogether. They would develop sciences both for the sake of spiritual as well as mundane…
The Death of Socrates
Following is how Plato described the moments of Socrates’ death in what Will Durant calls “one of the greatest passages of the world’s literature”.