What Can a Single Man Do | Sull Diyan Gallan
An average person asks this question often and returns pale and thin thinking he is insignificant. The wickedness outside has forced the good ones to doubt their own strength. This helps the bad, the world isn’t a bad place because of their presence but because of the absence of the good from public discourse. Rise! And Proclaim!
Q&A: If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life?
If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life? A short answer: It is a questions that bothers many a people and we do need to consider why such is the case. Like any other social phenomenon there are many perspectives to be investigated. Let us begin with the Arab Custom of narrating tales. The pre-Islamic Arab society was a war torn community wherein a murder was remembered for generations and vengeance was sought for decades generation after generation. The Arabs would compose poems and ballads on this theme, narrating the tales of a…
Guru Nanak on Muslims
“musalmaan kahaavan muskal jaa ho-ay taa musalmaan kahaavai.aval a-ul deen kar mithaa maskal maanaa maal musaavai.ho-ay muslim deen muhaanai maran jeevan kaa bharam chukhaavai.rab kee rajaa-ay mannay sir upar kartaa mannay aap gavaavai.ta-o naanak sarab jee-aa mihramat ho-ay ta musalmaan kahaavai.” Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 141 One of the finest definitions of who is worthy of being called a Muslim was given by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The quotation above which finds a place in Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang 141 may be translated as follows: “It is difficult to be called a Muslim; if one is truly a Muslim, then he may be called one.First, let him savor…