Religion and Philosophy

  • Questions & Answers,  Religion and Philosophy

    No One Can Change the Word of Allah – Quran – 6:11

    Question: Salaam Alaykum Brother, I have been searching for philosophy behind some Quranic verses. Like 6:115 where Allah says no one can change the word of Allah. So how could anyone change or alter Torah or Injeel texts? Answer: First, we would have to see what the evidence suggests about whether Tawraat or Injeel (or both) have changed or not. Bart Ehrman is a renowned scholar in this regard, he says the following in his famous “Misquoting Jesus” about the Bible: “We have only error­ ridden copies, and the vast majority of these are centuries removed from the originals and different from them, evidently, in thousands of ways.” John Mill,…

  • Religion and Philosophy,  Social Issues

    7. Islam at the Crossroads – Conclusion

    The book “Islam at Crossroads” by Muhammad Asad deals with the fall of the Muslim world. It laments the imitation of the West which is in its spirit (materialistic) diametrically opposite to the Islamic spirit (spiritual and harmony between subtle and mundane). It argues that the imitation of the West can only be at the cost of Islam, the two being incompatible. It discusses the attitude the Muslims must adopt towards the West. It further argues that the practical aspect of the spirit of Islam lies in the Sunnah of the Prophet, which has been shunned for the visible impossibility of implementing its seemingly trivial aspects in life, the weakening…

  • Musings,  Religion and Philosophy

    Asi kati lagan pata – Sources of Knowledge

    Writing in TATA sumo, traveling from Srinagar to Khanabal. Thinking about issues that bother me. I have been wondering for a while what thought I subscribe to, where do I place myself, rationalist, empiricist, idealist, or whatever. I have been called a post-modernist, conservative, both in the same breath and other things, too. I might be a skeptic, who knows! I presented my writings to an expert who categorized them as post-modern and existentialist, na chi mye huii pata kya govv, na huii. Reminds me of Alamdar’s (ra) “be kuss rishi, mye kya naav” (I have no clue who I am). Traveling gives me ample time to think. For some,…

  • Religion and Philosophy,  Social Issues

    6. Sunnah and its Spirit

    The book “Islam at Crossroads” by Muhammad Asad deals with the fall of the Muslim world. It laments the imitation of the West which is in its spirit (materialistic) diametrically opposite to the Islamic spirit (spiritual and harmony between subtle and mundane). It argues that the imitation of the West can only be at the cost of Islam, the two being incompatible. It discusses the attitude the Muslims must adopt towards the West. It further argues that the practical aspect of the spirit of Islam lies in the Sunnah of the Prophet, which has been shunned for the visible impossibility of implementing its seemingly trivial aspects in life, the weakening…