Questions & Answers
Q & A: Difficult to be Good Consistently
Question Assalam alaikum Sull Kaak. Can you please make a video on how to stay motivated on the right path when everything and everyone is dragging us down. It took me a lot of effort to recover my faith. Seeing the people and mess around I get suicidal. I ask myself why should I be the only person who has to bear the brunt of honesty, sensibility and patience. Everyone else seems to take advantage of whatever I have learnt from you. At times I feel I am a the verge of collapse and I fear becoming someone I don’t want to be. The question is how should we keep…
Q&A: Why is Atheism bad and Atheists and the West outsiders?
Asalamualikum Sull Kaak, I was just engaging with your article, ‘Ancient Religiosity and Modern Atheism.‘ It’s so beautifully written, though the latter part of the article is mere rhetoric. The central argument was that belief systems and cultural practices (Nature worshipping/ holding nature in great esteem) emerged in ancient civilizations, not because they were just afraid of nature, but because they were keen observers who would reflect on the complexity of nature, providing them with transcendental insights, etc. So it’s not their ignorance or their lack of knowledge that led to the erection of the edifice of faith, but their spirituality and robust engagement with nature( And there is an…
No One Can Change the Word of Allah – Quran – 6:11
Question: Salaam Alaykum Brother, I have been searching for philosophy behind some Quranic verses. Like 6:115 where Allah says no one can change the word of Allah. So how could anyone change or alter Torah or Injeel texts? Answer: First, we would have to see what the evidence suggests about whether Tawraat or Injeel (or both) have changed or not. Bart Ehrman is a renowned scholar in this regard, he says the following in his famous “Misquoting Jesus” about the Bible: “We have only error ridden copies, and the vast majority of these are centuries removed from the originals and different from them, evidently, in thousands of ways.” John Mill,…
Message to the Beginners in Learning | Adab | Kashmiri Traditions | Sneak sPeak
Many of our young ask where they should begin their journey from, what the initial texts of learning should be. This video addresses the question briefly. I hope it is of any help to the seekers of knowledge. This video is relevant in the modern era where there is a lot of confusion in knowledge. It throws some light on etiquette (adab) of learning and knowing one’s station.
Q&A: If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life?
If Prophet of Islam preached peace and tolerance how come there are so many war mongers amongst Muslims who take cues from the same life? A short answer: It is a questions that bothers many a people and we do need to consider why such is the case. Like any other social phenomenon there are many perspectives to be investigated. Let us begin with the Arab Custom of narrating tales. The pre-Islamic Arab society was a war torn community wherein a murder was remembered for generations and vengeance was sought for decades generation after generation. The Arabs would compose poems and ballads on this theme, narrating the tales of a…