A Story of Nothingness and Everything in Between
The day was bright but meaningless. The sky stretched overhead, vast and blue, but for what purpose? No one knew, least of all Sull Kaak, who had spent his entire life pondering the great paradox of existence, only to conclude that the paradox itself was a meaningless contrivance of a mind too stubborn to accept that it knew nothing. And that was the problem. Knowing nothing meant you could know everything, and knowing everything meant you were back to knowing nothing. A vicious cycle, as pointless as a dog chasing its own tail, except the dog at least got some exercise. Sull Kaak, meanwhile, sat in a broken chair, staring…
Pop Culture Mysticism
“Popular culture” is a term we use for the broad spectrum of practices, beliefs, objects, and phenomena that are prevalent in society at a given time, particularly in Western culture since the mid-20th century. It encompasses the most immediate and contemporary aspects of our lives, often disseminated through mass media and driven by the interests, preferences, and trends of the general population. Pop culture (modern fast paced life has to have a shorter version of “popular”) is dynamic, reflecting the changing tastes, innovations, and societal norms of the day. Pop culture is marked by its accessibility to a wide audience. It includes music, television, movies, fashion, technology, and more, offering…
Q & A: Difficult to be Good Consistently
Question Assalam alaikum Sull Kaak. Can you please make a video on how to stay motivated on the right path when everything and everyone is dragging us down. It took me a lot of effort to recover my faith. Seeing the people and mess around I get suicidal. I ask myself why should I be the only person who has to bear the brunt of honesty, sensibility and patience. Everyone else seems to take advantage of whatever I have learnt from you. At times I feel I am a the verge of collapse and I fear becoming someone I don’t want to be. The question is how should we keep…
Afraid of Commitment | Sull Diyan Gallan
A moral decline, particularly the failure to uphold commitments, initiates a cascade of other societal and civilizational issues. Character—embodied in traits such as honesty, integrity, and reliability—is foundational to the health and sustainability of a society. When individuals fail to keep their commitments, it reflects a deeper erosion of these core values, leading to various forms of moral and social decay. Individual virtues play. a very important role in maintaining the social fabric and moral compass of civilizations, and rectifying such declines in character is essential for addressing broader societal challenges.
All About Ramadan | Islam | Kashmiri Traditions | Sage’s Vault
Ramzaan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, spiritual reflection, and prayer. During this month, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, refraining from food, drink, and other physical needs. It is customary for Muslims to have a pre-dawn meal called “suhoor” before beginning their daily fast. The fast is broken at sunset with dates and water, in accordance with the Sunnahh, which is the practice of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, so the start and end of Ramadan vary each year. The month of Ramzaan is…